Sanliurfa Balikligol: Legend, History and Taste


Şanlıurfa is a historical and cultural city located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. One of the most important symbols of the city is Balıklıgöl. Balıklıgöl is a plateau consisting of two lakes. One of them is Halil-ür Rahman Lake, and the other is Ayn-i Zeliha Lake. The carp fish living in these lakes are considered sacred and eating them is forbidden. Why are these lakes and fish so special? In this article, I will tell you about the legend, history and delicious businesses around Balıklıgöl.

The Legend of Balıklıgöl

The legend of Balıklıgöl is related to Abraham, who is considered the ancestor of the three Abrahamic religions. According to the legend, Abraham defends the belief in one God against the idols worshiped by the tyrant king Nimrod and his people. For this reason, Nimrod wants to throw Abraham into the fire. Abraham is thrown from the hill where Urfa Castle is located into the fire. But God orders the fire, “O fire, be cool and peaceful to Abraham”. Upon this command, the fire turns into water, and the wood turns into fish. Abraham falls safely into a rose garden. The place where Abraham fell is Halil-ür Rahman Lake. Nimrod’s daughter Zeliha also believes in Abraham and loves him, so she follows him and jumps into the fire. The place where Zeliha fell is Ayn-i Zeliha Lake. 

The History of Balıklıgöl

Balıklıgöl is not only a legend, but also a history of thousands of years. Balıklıgöl pools are actually ancient pagan temples built for the goddess Atargatis, who is half woman and half fish. They are estimated to have been built between 1000-300 BC.

On the Balıklıgöl plateau, there is also the cave where Abraham was born. This cave attracts visitors from every religion, every country and every city in every season of the year. 

Balıklıgöl obtained its current appearance with the restoration of the ‘Dergâh and Balıklıgöl Environmental Arrangement Project’ designed by Architect Merih Karaaslan under the consultancy of Architect Behruz Çinici. The project started in 1992 and most of it was completed in 2000. 

The Tastes of Balıklıgöl

Balıklıgöl is not only a historical and cultural place, but also offers a delicious cuisine. Around Balıklıgöl, there are many businesses such as hotels, restaurants, street delicacies, souvenir shops. These businesses attract the attention of both domestic and foreign tourists. Here are some of the tastes you should try in Balıklıgöl:

Raw meatballs: Raw meatballs are one of the most famous dishes of Şanlıurfa. Raw meatballs are a mixture of bulgur, spices, tomato paste and meat. This mixture is eaten wrapped in lettuce leaves or lavash bread. Raw meatballs offer a spicy and delicious taste. You can find many raw meatball shops around Balıklıgöl.

Lahmacun: Lahmacun is a kind of pita that is baked in the oven with a mixture of minced meat, onion, parsley, tomato paste and spices spread on thin dough. Lahmacun is eaten by squeezing lemon and wrapping it with greens. Lahmacun is a light and satisfying meal. In Balıklıgöl, you can drink ayran or turnip juice with lahmacun.

Sıra night: Sıra night is a traditional entertainment of Şanlıurfa. In sıra night, local dishes are eaten on the floor table, saz is played, folk songs are sung, poems are read and chat is made. In sıra night, liver, eggplant kebab, stuffed meatballs, borani, lebeni, zerde are served. You can find many places that organize sıra night in Balıklıgöl.

Street delicacies: Street delicacies are also worth trying in Balıklıgöl. Especially, katmer, künefe, rice pudding, baklava and other desserts will appeal to your palate. You can also try drinks such as menengiç coffee, zahter tea, mint lemon. In Balıklıgöl, you can find many businesses such as pastry shops, coffee shops, tea gardens.

Souvenirs: Before leaving Balıklıgöl, do not forget to buy souvenirs for your loved ones. In Balıklıgöl, you can find many souvenirs such as hand-made carpets, rugs, trousseaus, copper items, rosaries, jewelry, magnets, figurines. In Balıklıgöl, you can shop in many places such as souvenir shops, market places, bazaars.

Balıklıgöl is one of the most important tourist attractions of Şanlıurfa. Balıklıgöl offers an unforgettable experience to its visitors with its legend, history and tastes. When you go to Balıklıgöl, do not miss the opportunity to see, taste and enjoy.


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